Sunday, April 1, 2012

Technology Podcast

This week, I interviewed three students at our middle school to learn more about their access to technology.  My podcast gives insight into their tech world - both in and out of school.  Listen to what they had to say...

P.S.  This was also my first experience with podcasting... thank you Podbean!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel
    I really enjoyed listening to your podcast. It was great to hear older students' viewpoints on technology use in the classroom and outside of school. Their comments about some teachers using their webpage and updating it often, and others not even realizing they had one made me laugh and hit close to home. One of my colleagues keeps complaining that she doesn't have anything on her webpage because it isn't set up....however, all of our webpages are set up and I've even offered to show her how to edit or type even a basic message many times. It is also interesting to me that some of our oldest teachers have the most drive to learn the new technology and the teachers who are in between those of us who have grown up with technology and the older teachers (those that have taught over 30 years) are the most resistant ones.

    After listening to your podcast it is clear that students really are using more technology outside of the classroom. Schools need to make adjustments to incorporate more technology in the classroom and to use the tools that students are drawn to and are motivated to use to become independent learners.

    Great podcast! I never would have been able to tell it was your first experience! :)
